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Contact Details
For GDPR reasons we ask that you register using your official affiliated company/academic email
Profiling Questions
This information is used to help personalise your onsite experience
Event Extras
Vendor PLUS Pass - Included in your pass!
Enhance your event participation with Oxford Global's PLUS Pass: Unlock a year-long wealth of knowledge with entry to our content library, encompassing on-demand presentations from select Oxford Global events, alongside a range of scheduled webinars and online sessions directly accessible through our PLUS platform.
Attendance at the event is subject to our terms and conditions
Please Note: If you attend an event then a sponsor or exhibitor may scan your badge. This is the equivalent to handing over your business card. Should you allow your badge to be scanned, Oxford Global will share your personal information with the relevant sponsor or exhibitor. If you register for a sponsor-led workshop or session (by actively selecting this option at the point of registration or allowing your badge to be scanned on entry to the session), you are agreeing to share your personal information with the named sponsor.
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Please note: An admin surcharge of £50.00 will be applied to payments settled via invoice. This charge is not applicable to payments settled online.